The driving "visual force" in the movie are the approximately 800 photos that were used in GET THRASHED: THE STORY OF THRASH METAL. The photographers who put aside their headbanging, moshing & stage diving tendencies to document the burgeoning thrash scene in the 1980's deserve a lot of credit. Without their pictures and desire to be a part of heavy metal history, GET THRASHED may not have been possible.
The work of some of the photographers who contributed to the film appear here.
For over 25 years, Ron Akiyama has found the perfect combination of photography and music. What started as a hobby to provide a visual reminder of sitting close to his favorite rock bands eventually became much, much more. “I always felt there was a major difference between just taking pictures of a concert and “capturing” the feeling of actually being there” says Ron. “The results of a great shot should make anyone feel like they are right there, front row center, enjoying the show the way I did. This also means the performer must also look like they are giving 110%. It should be the way they see themselves. It is a tough combination. Not as easy as it seems. In the age of digital, everyone takes pictures. This to me is only half the story. You should also have a business sense, patience, timing, be able to adapt and adjust in seconds, a little luck, and most of all, know your subject. My hats off to all music photographers who continue to capture these images throughout the years, and to the photographers starting out who want to do the same.”
In his 25 year career, Ron Akiyama has shot for Bruce Springsteen, Megaforce Atlantic, Epic Records, Overkill, Anthrax, Ace Frehley, Danzig, MOD, SOD, Prong, Testament, Megadeth, Kings X, Joan Jett and the Blackhearts and many more. Below, you can check out a few of Ron's photos that appear in Get Thrashed.
When he started taking photos at shows he attended as a teenager in the mid 70's, Frank White couldn't have imagined he'd eventually be called "The Legend" by his comrades in the photo world. One of the most prolific photographers from the NY/NJ area, Frank taught himself the business and turned his hobby into a career. He started shooting thrash bands in 1982 and continues to travel the world shooting metal bands. His photos have appeared in magazines like Guitar World, Circus, Kerrang, Hit Parader, Kick Ass Monthly, Cream, Revolver and others. Enjoy Franks photos below. You should recognize many of them from Get Thrashed because Frank provided more photos than any other photographer. Gracias Frank!
If you attended a thrash show in the Bay area in the 80's, you probably know the name and/or face of Harald O. He was the unofficial photographer of the scene back in the day and took hundreds of photos of Metallica, Megadeth and others. His photos have appeared on albums like Exodus' Bonded By Blood, Slayer's Hell Awaits, Metallica's Ride the Lightning and others. His name was even immortalized in song by the Metallica side project/bastard child band Spastic Children. The sights, sounds & stories he has about the early years of the thrash scene are the stuff books are made of ... and one was! Harald was co-author of the awesome book, "Murder in the Front Row".
Harald also played bass for DRI from 1999-2017. Much thanks to him for BEING THE FIRST PHOTOGRAPHER to sign on and to allow us to use his photos in the documentary. I am eternally grateful! Take a look below at some of Harald's photos which he contributed to Get Thrashed.
Kevin Hodapp is a NJ based photographer who was one of the few East Coast guys to snap pics of Metallica when they first came to NY/NJ. His amazing photos can be viewed below.