Labor Day 2018 - Check out the revamped Get Thrashed website. More info, photos, behind the scenes pics + T-shirts and DVDs for purchase.
June 2017 - Get Thrashed is getting an 'encore'. Lightyear Entertainment and SONY have teamed up to re-release the film on 6.6.17. Order your DVD copy now. Only on the DVD will you find 90+ minutes of bonus content and "Around the World of Thrash Metal" menu (not available with the I-Tunes digital purchase)
News & Updates
In 2010, the Big 4 of thrash metal - Metallica, Slayer, Megadeth & Anthrax - shared the stage for the first time ever. Those shows were in Europe.
In 2011, the bands hit the States. The Big 4 perform live this April in CA for the first time ever together in the USA. See the trailer below and to learn more about the amazing story of how the Big 4 went from playing basements & backyards to the biggest stages in the world, pick up a copy of GET THRASHED: THE STORY OF THRASH METAL. The film features the music of the Big 4 plus interviews with members of all the bands + much, much more.
January 18, 2011 - Happy New Year everyone!
In our never ending effort to bring Get Thrashed to each and every country around the world, we are excited to announce that the DVD will soon be available in Japan. More details coming soon.
An "uncut" interview with director Rick Ernst from the San Antonio Underground Film Festival can be seen on the GT FACEBOOK page. While you're there, "LIKE" us, join the Get Thrashed Facebook Group and post your Top 10 albums of 2010. Thanks to Robb Chavez and Robb's Metalworks for his tireless support for the film and metal in general.
In other news, if you have not checked out Rat Skates' film, BORN IN THE BASEMENT, please go to The DVD is a must have for any thrash metal fan.
Rat also has a new film in the works titled Welcome to the Dream: The Rude Awakening of Rock Stardom. You can learn more about this exciting project at
May 2010 - Thanks to former webmaster Doug Sexton for all his work on the former GET THRASHED website. Doug has been instrumental in getting word out about the film as well as providing photos, videos and words of encouragement along the 7 year journey to make GET THRASHED. Doug's editing and After Effects work can be seen in the GET THRASHED end credits, which he designed. We wish Doug all the best in his future endeavors, be them online or in the pit at a show in Florida! There might be some bumps along the way with the new website so bear with us and join the Get Thrashed group on FACEBOOOK for updates.